Streamlabs Alerts Settings

Font: Kaushan Script

Colors: Malibu: #4bdcff Anakiwa: #87f1ff Wasabi: #8E9D2C Blue Zodiac: #0e1d3e White: #ffffff

Alert Duration: 7 seconds Alert Text Delay: 0 seconds Text settings font size: 26px Font Weight: 400 Color choose from the above codes

If you would like to separate the text, like in the preview

Use this example:

{name} <br> is now following!

{name} this will show the name of the follower

<br> will not show in the actual text it's code that will make the text show under the name

So it will show like this


is now following!

You can add <br> anywhere where you want text to break in next line.


StreamElements Alerts Settings

Alert Duration 8 sec